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PhotoShop -Matrix Effect

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Here you will be taught how to make a similar effect as the Matrix coding.

1) Open a new file, the size doesn't matter, I chose 400x400. Make the background

2) Go to Filter>Texture>Grain, use these settings

3) Go to Filter>Artistic>Neon Glow, use these settings

4) Go to Filter>Stylize>Glowing Edges, use these settings

Thats it. You can use Hue/Saturate to change the color to whatever you want.


Photoshop Cheetos Text Effect

Step 1

On a new layer, create some cool lookin' black text;

image 1

Step 2

With the text-selection still on click this button to activate a shape in which the text should be move;

image 2

Step 3

Then add a yellow color-overlay;

image 3

Step 4

Duplicate the layer by pressing Ctrl+J and place the bottom layer a bit below the other and change the color to orange;

image 4

Step 5

Add a thick black stroke;

image 5

Step 6

And add a white stroke.

You can do this by selecting the text and place a layer behind the text and fill it with white. Then give that a white stroke that reaches far beyond the black ;)

image 6

Step 7

Then add this layer-style to the yellow text;

image 7

Step 8

And finally you got some nice cheese-scented Cheetos-text!

Cheetos-Text Tutorial: Final Result


photoshop-Movie Poster Effect

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Start by opening an image of model / actor.

Using polygon lasso tool select the background on right hand side of the model. Press Delete.

Duplicate the layer and scale up significantly. Move this layer below all the layers in layer order in layer palette.

From “Filter” menu select “Sketch>>Photocopy”. Apply settings as shown.

Change the layer mode to “Soft Light”.

Using eraser tool with soft brush settings erase the hard edges of model cutout.

Change the layer mode to “Luminosity”.

Press Q to enable quick mask. From filter menu select “Pixelate>>Mezzotint”. Apply settings as shown.

Press Q again to disable quick mask.

Create a new layer and fill it with white color. Change the layer mode to “Overlay” and opacity to 40%.

Select and merge all layers. Select burn tool and apply randomly.

Duplicate the layer and change the layer mode to “hard Light”.

As we applied mezzotint using quick mask similarly we’ll apply noise using following settings.

Change the layer mode to “Overlay”.

Press Q to enable quick mask. From filter menu select “Pixelate>>Mezzotint”. Apply settings as shown.

Create a new layer and fill it with white color. Change the layer mode to “Color Burn” and opacity to 80%.

Select and merge all the layers. Using polygon tool create a torn paper style selection on the edges of the image. Press Ctrl+J to copy paste the selection in a new layer.

Change the layer mode to “Screen”. Apply some drop shadow.

From layer menu select “New adjustment layer>>Hue/Saturation”. Apply settings as shown.


photoshopHalo 3 Logo

Learn how to create the new Halo 3 Logo!

1. Start by opening a 500px by 150px file.
2. Write “HALO 3“(yes, in uppercase) using the Halo Font in any color.
Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial

3. Apply these layer styles:
- Drop Shadow
Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial

- Inner Shadow
Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial

- Inner Glow
Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial

- Bevel & Emboss
Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial

- Gradient Overlay

Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial

4. You should have something like this:
Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial

5. Now, we’re going to create the rust effect. Create a new layer and paint the top part of your text using the Spatter 59px default brush and #406482 as color
Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial

6. Press Ctrl and click over the small halo text layer’s thumb to select it, then go to Select -> Inverse and delete your selection
Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial

7. Ctrl+D to deselect and change that layer’s blend mode to Color Burn and opacity to 45%
Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial

8. Make again the last 3 steps but brushing the bottom part of the text and keeping Normal as the layer’s blend mode
Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial

9. Add your text to an image or a coloured background to make it look better and you’re finished
Halo 3 Photoshop Tutorial


photoshop-jelly text effect

Jelly Text Effect

Start by applying render>>lighting effect from filter menu.

Apply settings as shown.

Form filter menu select stylize>>polarize.

Duplicate the layer and change the layer mode to color dodge. Select and merge both layers.

Type text using a bold font.

From filter menu select distort>>wave.

Apply settings as shown.

Ctrl+Click the layer thumbnail to get the selection. Hide the text layer. Select the background layer and press Ctrl+J to create a duplicate of selection in a new layer.

Press Ctrl+L to open levels settings. Apply settings as shown.

Duplicate the layer. Ctrl+Click the layer thumbnail to get the selection. Form select menu click modify>>contract.

Contract the selection by 2 pixels.

Press Ctrl+Shift+I to inverse the selection. Press delete.

Change the layer mode to linear dodge. Move the layer 2 pixels left.

Similarly create selection of text layer, contract and repeat above steps twice.

Play around with different layer modes to get a nice result.

Fill the background layer with black color.

Merge all the text layers. Double click the layer to open layer style window. Apply layer style with the settings shown.